14. November 2024

DTK Group integrates DataLøn with Timegrip and streamlines payroll administration


The Danish transport and logistics company DTK Group has integrated DataLøn with the time tracking system Timegrip (Formerly TimeMap). This combination has led to a significant improvement in payroll administration across six companies and has provided valuable insights into the company’s central operations.


We’ve all experienced it – when IT or technology is troublesome because it’s too complicated to use, we’re constantly on the lookout for a replacement. That’s why Christoffer Kirkegaard, CFO at DTK Group, considers the best feature of DataLøn as a payroll solution to be that it never draws unwanted attention to itself.


“I’ve been here for five years, and we were using DataLøn when I arrived. It just works, and that’s a major quality in itself. I’m regularly contacted by companies trying to sell me their payroll solutions, but every time I have to disappoint them. I see no reason to change. DataLøn is easy to navigate, and the flow in the solution is logical. If I search for something, I always find it where I expect. We don’t need to contact support for help,” he says.



Homemade time tracking


On the other hand, the user-friendliness of DTK Group's previous time tracking system was quite a different story. It was a homemade tool that was “terribly time-consuming” to use, says Christoffer Kirkegaard


“We had to manually extract lists from the system and then enter them into DataLøn. It took forever. So, a few years ago, we went on the hunt for a proper time tracking solution and ended up choosing Timegrip.


It was the solution that best suited our needs. We didn’t need a time tracking solution that could handle every type of time tracking scenario, just one that fit our mix of salaried employees and hourly workers.”



Payroll management and time tracking for 145 employees


The switch from manual to digital time tracking has been a huge time-saving benefit for DTK Group. Across six Danish operational companies within the group, payroll is managed for 145 employees, 100 of whom are salaried, and the rest are hourly workers employed in the warehouse. As an additional optimization, DTK Group uses an API integration between DataLøn and Timegrip, where data exchange between the two systems is largely automated.


“Even though we’ve grown over the years and added more companies to the group, we still only need one person handling payroll. That tells me that the monthly payroll process has become much more efficient. Our payroll manager simply couldn’t handle the payroll alone if we didn’t have the integration between DataLøn and Timegrip,” says Christoffer Kirkegaard.



Overview of time usage


The business case for the integration was originally argued on the basis that DTK Group could streamline payroll administration, and that benefit has been realized. Additionally, Christoffer Kirkegaard also uses the data from Timegrip to gain an overview of which tasks and companies within the group, the shared service function employees are spending their time on.


“In this way, time tracking provides insight into our own operations. I can use that information to have discussions with our business units so we can focus on driving costs down by doing things differently and more efficiently. That’s something we rely on as a transport and logistics company – continually becoming more and more efficient,” says Christoffer Kirkegaard, explaining that it took about three months from when the integration between DataLøn and Timegrip was set up until the solution was fully optimized.


“That’s just the way it is when you implement new IT systems. There’s always an adjustment period, and that’s something you have to accept. During that process, we used support from both DataLøn and Timegrip, and we received good help from both sides to get things to where they needed to be. That’s why I strongly recommend the integration between DataLøn and Timegrip. It works well, and our payroll manager is happy with both solutions,” concludes Christoffer Kirkegaard.



About DTK Group


DTK Group is the parent company of a group of partner companies operating in the transport and logistics sector. With over 30,000 square meters of dry and refrigerated storage in Denmark and Germany, 500 trucks, and special equipment, the companies in DTK Group handle all types of transport tasks.


The company’s headquarters are in Padborg, and internationally, it employs 195 staff (both salaried and hourly) across all its companies. DTK Group has a DataLøn Basis+ subscription with integration to Timegrip as its time tracking system.



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