Time for better task management

Track time easily with employees logging hours for projects and sub-tasks via terminals or online
Get real-time reports showing time spent across tasks and projects
Support complex task structures with projects and sub-tasks for precise tracking

Make the most of task-based time tracking

Meet deadlines with detailed insights into task completion times
Ensure accurate billing by tracking time spent on each task for proper invoicing
Optimise resource utilisation by identifying inefficiencies and improving productivity in future projects
A cheerful young woman with long brown hair, wearing a light blue blouse, stands in a modern office holding a tablet. She smiles confidently, with large windows and an urban cityscape in the background.
"Correct time registration is essential as it forms the basis for salary calculations. Timegrip automatically calculates allowances and tracks collective agreements, work rules, and employee roles and salary ranges."
Accounting Assistant
Aleris Hamlet - Private Hospital
A man in a navy blue suit holding a smartphone and a woman in a gray blazer with a folder are engaged in a friendly business conversation. They appear to be networking or discussing work-related matters.

Get a better grip of your tasks

Time for smarter task management

Our project-based time-tracking solution supports:
  • Employees can log time for both main projects and sub-tasks, allowing you to capture detailed data on each stage of the project. This ensures a more accurate view of resource usage and task progress.

  • Whether in the office, working from home, or on a remote site, employees can easily log their time via terminals, apps or browsers, ensuring consistent tracking across various work environments.

  • Time entries are instantly updated in the system, providing real-time access to the most current data, so you can track progress and adjust resources as needed.

  • Customisable reports help you gain valuable insights into project performance, enabling data-driven decisions that improve project outcomes and resource management.

A smiling female retail worker in a light blue shirt and apron checks inventory on a tablet while standing in a grocery store aisle. Shelves stocked with products surround her as she efficiently manages stock.
A smiling female retail worker in a light blue shirt and apron checks inventory on a tablet while standing in a grocery store aisle. Shelves stocked with products surround her as she efficiently manages stock.
A smiling female retail worker in a light blue shirt and apron checks inventory on a tablet while standing in a grocery store aisle. Shelves stocked with products surround her as she efficiently manages stock.
A smiling female retail worker in a light blue shirt and apron checks inventory on a tablet while standing in a grocery store aisle. Shelves stocked with products surround her as she efficiently manages stock.
A smiling female retail worker in a light blue shirt and apron checks inventory on a tablet while standing in a grocery store aisle. Shelves stocked with products surround her as she efficiently manages stock.



Fewer errors in task and time distribution



Increase in employee productivity with flexible time logging



Faster decision-making through real-time access to updated data

Want to see how our solution can help you?

Automate time tracking with terminals for easy task logging.
Access real-time data on task progress and resources.
Log hours easily from any location, whether on-site or remote

Let’s find the right solution for you

It all starts with understanding your needs – and your goal. Our team of specialists are ready to listen.
