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TimePlan, TimeMap, and Timegrip are now one unified brand.
TimePlan, TimeMap, and Timegrip are now one unified brand.
6. November 2024

Aleris Hamlet saves time in hospital administration


"With Timegrip (formerly TimePlan), we can always go back and see what our nurses have received in terms of bonuses, absences, vacations, sick leave, and reimbursements. We save time every day, and all data is stored in one place," says Lillian Moberg Pedersen, Accounting Assistant at Aleris Hamlet Private Hospitals in Denmark.


Lillian has been working with Timegrip since 2011, when the software was chosen for scheduling, time tracking, and HR administration across Aleris Hamlet's seven private hospitals and Aleris Care in Denmark. Aleris Hamlet is Denmark's largest private hospital, employing 11,000 nurses, doctors, and support staff across Scandinavia.



From manual scheduling on paper to digital time tracking


"Previously, we had a lot of manual administration for nurses’ schedules. What hours did they work? What night bonuses were they entitled to? We calculated everything on paper—for nurses and other staff. We have a large number of hourly employees," explains Lillian Moberg Pedersen.


Now, Timegrip manages time tracking and scheduling for all Aleris Hamlet employees, who log in and out using their employee numbers on a terminal screen.

"Accurate time tracking is essential because it forms the basis of payroll. Timegrip automatically calculates all necessary bonuses and data. The system also tracks our agreements and work rules, considering each employee's functions and pay scale," she adds.



Saving time in payroll administration


Since implementing Timegrip, Aleris Hamlet has saved time both in administration and in other areas across its hospitals. The number of employees has grown significantly during this period, and Timegrip has been a valuable tool for managing HR tasks.

"We’ve saved time in payroll because we no longer need to manually calculate from timesheets. We don’t have to manually account for absences, vacations, sick leave, reimbursements, etc. It’s also a big help to have employee contracts stored electronically in Timegrip, along with their absence history, employment history, and more, all in one place. The risk of manual errors has been significantly reduced," says Lillian Moberg Pedersen.



Achieve accuracy, efficiency, and employee satisfaction


Would you like to ensure accuracy, efficiency, and satisfied employees through proper time tracking? Contact us today for a no-obligation consultation.

Let’s find the right solution for you

It all starts with understanding your needs – and your goal. Our team of specialists are ready to listen.
